What’s involved in working with me?
Working with me is an journey that you and I take together, based on your needs. There are different elements that each of us bring to the process. Here are some of the important things to know about what you can expect.
Working with me is not about a quick fix, it’s about a journey - for those with curiosity and a desire to find answers within themselves.
For many the need to learn a new language (be it verbal or felt) is a key part of the process, and like learning any new language, this can take time. It’s very much a two-way process. I find that those who can co-create with me, rather than simply wishing to be led, tend to find more reward and travel a longer and deeper distance.
What I bring
Guidance and tools, training and experience. Listening, reflection and a space of loving presence - supporting you to expand out of habits or suppression into your own comfort zone.
What you bring
Honesty, openness, and a heartfelt desire to learn, and bring commitment to the process. A willingness to recognise, and connect with, the wisdom of your own body, and to meet me as a facilitator rather than a teacher.
Who I work with
I work mainly with anyone who defines as male, but I absolutely welcome enquiries from anyone who feels drawn to work with me. Please do get in touch with me, if you feel I would be the right person for you to work with - no matter how you define yourself.
Locations I work in
I’m based near the beautiful Scottish Highlands, and the Cairngorms - a short, affordable flight from London to Inverness or Aberdeen airports.
I offer sessions and workshops regularly in Edinburgh, London, Belfast, and Findhorn, as well as across Scotland, the UK and Europe.
And, of course, I offer many opportunities to work with me online.
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