Mindful Gay Sex Coach - press and media

Browse articles and features by and about gay sex coach Michael Dresser. If you'd like Michael to contribute to your publication or media channel please get in touch


Sensuali.com  |  Feature article  |  2024

A practical guide to conscious consent

Featured article in conscious living magazine for men

michael dresser sensuali

Sensuali.com  |  Interview  |  2024

Introducing Michael Dresser: the mindful gay sex coach

Interview and featured profile for online sex-positive community and network


 International Men's Day  |  Discussion panel | 2023

Men & Sex: a panel discussion on International Men's Day, hosted by SianJohnson.com.

Featured panelist and expert


Undividing Lines  |  Regular Contributor |  2022 - present

Issue 16  |  Issue 17  |  Issue 18

Regular column with resources for queer relating, touch and pleasure.


GayWellness.com  |  Feature article  |  2022

A gay man's practical guide to conscious consent

Online hub, community and directory for quality gay therapists and wellness practitioners


  Undividing Lines  |  Interview and article feature  | 2016

In conversation with Michael Dresser + Sexological Bodywork article

Twice-yearly queer publication covering the Scottish Highlands and Islands.