Man to Man

Ask me anything...

A friendly one-to-one online discussion space where you can bring everything you've ever wanted to know about gay male sex, intimacy and relating but were afraid to ask

How many spaces do you have in your life where you can be curious, and have open discussion, without judgement, about gay sex, intimacy and relating?

For many men the subjects of desire, arousal, pleasure, and the erotic male body are off-limits with friends and family, and they can often feel too vulnerable or personal to have with lovers or partners.

Yet we all have questions we want to ask, experiences that need to be shared, and things to learn.

So what to do? Come talk with me!

Man to man calls are a chance to hang out with a cuppa and chat about this stuff one-to-one with another man in an open, friendly online space, where you can access my experience and knowledge without needing any specific outcome.

I bring my male experience and you bring yours. There is no right or wrong.

Watch the video to find out more:

How it works

  • You don’t need to have worked with me, or done anything like this before
  • You book a Zoom session with me using the form below
  • We both show up on the day with a cuppa and a somewhere comfy to sit
  • You get 45 minutes to ask questions, share experiences, and discuss issues with me about gay sex, intimacy and relating
  • I bring a friendly ear, and offer the benefit of my personal and professional experiences, knowledge and learning

What it is

  • A friendly, informal space to chat with another man about anything to do with gay sex, intimacy, relating, pleasure, arousal, or the male body, that’s intriguing, confusing, or concerning you

What it's not

  • Therapy, counselling or coaching, or somewhere to be 'fixed'
  • Online sex – clothes and cameras stay on and we won’t be talking dirty to each other. (If I feel you’re not respecting these limits I reserve the right to end the call without refund)

When you can share, and be seen by another, you are no longer alone - and you cannot help being transformed by the experience

gay sex intimacy discussion

"I’ve found Michael’s presence to any subject I bring illuminating … he helps me tease out what is important for me and I always leave inspired and uplifted"

Luca, USA

45 minutes online

COST: £30

Whether you're confused about your erotic body, uncertain about your intimate relationships with men, or even just curious about the gay male experience ... Man to man calls are your chance to share or ask me anything - without awkwardness, shame or judgement. Scroll down to book your call now...

Greg's story: how a Man to Man call made a real-world difference

After our call Greg let me know how our conversation was a game changer for him:

When you said to me on our call that one can have a satisfying sexual experience regardless of what the penis does or doesn't do, honestly I felt a little skeptical.

But last night I met a lovely guy and we spent hours just making out and messing around. Erections came and went for both of us. Neither of us ever came.

And it was one of the most satisfying sexual experiences of my life. Truly a revelation to me because I've been so indoctrinated to the idea that orgasm is the point of sex.

This experience really helped me understand my sexuality in a new way. And our conversation helped me be more open to it. Thank you! 

Greg, USA

Book your call now:

More ways to learn with me:

Pleasure in yourself 7 day pleasure adventure

Take yourself on a self pleasure journey with this home-study coaching course for men. Essential foundations for more mindful masturbation.

Learn more...

Pleasure in yourself 4 week coaching programme

Masturbation coaching with a difference. A 4-week online coaching programme helping you build a more mindful self-pleasure practice that’s unique to you

Learn more...

Pleasure in yourself – Pleasure foundations

Looking for next-level self pleasure techniques? You’ve already got them! You just need to learn how to harness the skills your body was born with

Learn more...