What's involved in an intiMate play experience with me?
Each session usually lasts 3 hours.
We’ll start gently with some talking – getting to know who we are together, what we want together, and what our desires might look like together in this session.
The rest of our time together is unstructured, guided by whatever feels good.
We may spend time together clothed, or naked. We may share through words, or through touch. There may be moments of erotic connection. There may be moments of cuddling and tenderness. And everything in between!
Nothing is required, and there are built-in opportunities to slow down, pause, and discover what we want to explore next together.
Intimacy may not always look or feel the way you might expect it to – I invite you to leave your preconceptions at the door, and explore what could be possible, with me as your companion!

What this is
- A chance to explore the possibilities for genuine, nurturing intimacy beyond the narrow parameters of apps and hookups.
- Touch, talking, playfulness, pleasure, arousal, laughter, tenderness, and body to body exploration are all welcome.
- Erections, orgasms or ejaculation are welcome but absolutely not required (from either of us). These sessions are an opportunity to explore what pleasure between two men can feel like when there’s no pressure for performance.
What this isn't
- There’s often an expectation that physical closeness between two male bodies should look a certain way, with scripts about giving and receiving, being a ‘top’ or ‘bottom’, or expectations of how the body should work. Those limitations don't apply here.
- Although sex and eros might be present in our session, they probably won’t be the focus all the time (if for no other reason than that’s not how male arousal works over 4 hours!)
- If you’re looking for a quick fuck with a happy ending, this is definitely not the right session for you.
Frequently asked questions
These sessions are for anyone who defines as male looking for an opportunity to connect intimately with another man in a way that is spacious, caring, and connected.
I offer something similar to a gay sacred intimate, but in my sessions intimacy is just as important as the erotic.
This is a space we create together where I help you celebrate whoever you want to be, without shame or judgement.
Most of my other sessions have a focus on coaching and learning. intiMate play sessions are more about having fun, and experiencing yourself, through connection and pleasure with another man (although, to be honest, you’ll probably still learn something!)
What is a gay sacred intimate, and am I one?

A gay sacred intimate is sometimes described as a professional who uses his own body to help others access the joy and power of erotic energy. The term was coined in the 1970s by one of my teachers, Joseph Kramer, founder of Sexological Bodywork.
Although I don’t describe myself as a gay sacred intimate, intiMate play sessions with me do offer an opportunity to joyfully explore who you are, and who you want to be, when you’re body to body with another man in a physically intimate way.
What I offer in these experiential sessions is different from coaching, and different from a hookup. It’s a place of safety where you can experience intimacy authentically - with a trustworthy companion and guide to interact with.
"Michael held a gentle, safe and supportive space for us both to explore together. It felt truly nourishing and healing."
"Finding Michael has been a wonderful experience ... I've come away from our session feeling the best version of myself."
"Getting to explore my sensuality in a safe environment isn't something that happens often, and I discovered a lot about myself."
Want to play with me...?

Your first step is to book a free Clarity Call with me – this is a chance for us to get a feel for each other, and see whether it’s a good fit.
This Zoom call of up to 30 minutes is a relaxed opportunity to chat about what you’d like to experience, and if I'm the right person to help with that.
Please note: for the first few months of 2025 I’ll be taking some time out from offering client sessions while I undertake some training. If you’re interested in working with me from spring 2025 please drop me a note using the form below and I’ll contact you to arrange a Clarity Call as soon as I open up my client session calendar again.
Important note: I do not hold sessions at private houses (either yours or mine). Costs and logistics are not negotiable. If what’s offered here doesn’t work for you, then I’m not the right person for you to meet with. Please read my terms and conditions before booking.