Resources to read

Gay sex resources. Browse my articles and blog posts below for tips and ideas on how you can improve touch, pleasure, intimacy, sex and relating in your life...

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confident gay sex

More confident gay sex – what’s the secret?

Learn about radical receiving – one of the key ingredients you need if you want to get more confident at gay sex

gay masturbation tips self pleasure sex coaching

4 tips for getting the most out of your masturbation

If you’re feeling stuck in a rut here are some essential tips to help shift your masturbation from a quick jerk-off towards self-pleasure

erotic pleasure practices

5 quick erotic pleasure practices

5 simple and quick guided erotic pleasure practices – which your body already knows how to do! Begin to build long-lasting foundations for pleasure

improve touch gay sex

How to improve touch during gay sex

Improve the quality of your touch during gay sex by understanding the 4 key types of touch (bonus: you already know how to do them!)

more gay pleasure

3 essential steps to having more pleasure

There are 3 essentials you need if you want more pleasure in the bedroom. But you may be surprised at what they are…

why no is so hard mindful gay sex intimacy relationship coaching

50 shades of ‘no’ – why it’s so hard, and how to get better at it

If you struggle with expressing or hearing a ‘no’ here’s why it can feel so hard, and some practical ways you can build your skills with it for healthier relating

gay sex myths

How to avoid gay sex myths and have healthier sex

Do you know your gay sex myths from your gay sex facts? Where do you get your information from when it comes to healthy sex?

better gay sex intimacy mindful coaching

The secret to better gay sex most people won’t tell you about

Practice makes perfect – the secret ingredient you’ll need if you want a better experience of gay sex and intimacy