Resources to read
Gay sex resources. Browse my articles and blog posts below for tips and ideas on how you can improve touch, pleasure, intimacy, sex and relating in your life...
Want more enjoyable sex? Don’t make it so goal oriented
Focussing on outcomes (like penetration, or orgasm) can make for disappointment in the bedroom. Learn how to shift your sex from goal oriented to pleasure oriented
Why gay guys need to get better at conscious consent
Sex is an important part of the gay experience – but conscious consent can often be lacking. Here’s how to change that
4 steps to create intimacy through non-sexual touch
Touch and sex are not the same thing – although they often get conflated. Follow these 4 steps to create more intimacy using touch that’s sensual but non-sexual.
Enjoy gay touch more – why touching for pleasure can be harder than it sounds
Find out why touching another man can feel so complicated, and get 5 simple tips for how you can experience more pleasure when you’re touching
What’s a bossy massage – and why is it so liberating?
This is not massage as you know it! Find out more about this deeply nourishing way to receive touch – where your pleasure is the only focus, and your body is the only expert!
Building pleasure awareness
You might be surprised that the key to having more pleasure is not to learn more strokes or techniques, but to pay more attention. Find out why.
Navigating gay desire
The world is full of messages telling gay guys to minimise or hide their desires. But getting what you want literally makes you feel good, so here’s how you can start to change the script
Want to change your relationship with gay porn?
Gay porn addiction is a controversial subject. With little scientific research available on whether it even exists, learn more about why your body could be the best place to start if you want a reset