Agreements for interactive erotic touch sessions with me

This is a very important page!

It might look like a page with a lot of text. But agreements are the most important part of any interaction. They create consent, and help both of us to stay safe, and clear about what is and isn't possible. Here are some of the key things I ask you to agree to before you choose to work in this way with me.

These agreements apply to any sessions with me where the following is possible: two-way or mutually interactive touch which is unclothed, and where the touch can include the genitals and/or be erotic or sexual in nature.

What these sessions are:

A boundaried, guided space to explore a number of clear, defined experiences of intimate interactive touch and connection. This is done through structured hands-on practices, exercises or play segments, and supported by discussion and reflection. These sessions are built around the Wheel Of Consent as a container for experience, learning, and safety.

Sensuality, sexual expression, pleasure, and arousal are all welcome in these sessions.

Interactions may (but do not have to) include two-way erotic, non-genital and/or genital touch within clear limits and agreements made during each session.

What these sessions are not:

Working with me in this way does not constitute or imply:

  • A sex hookup
  • An erotic 'happy ending' massage
  • An ongoing personal relationship with me outside the session space
  • Any guarantee of ongoing work with me beyond these defined sessions

What's possible in these sessions:

I am always willing to consider all your requests, without judgement. Then we can both make informed choices and agreements together about what’s possible, and what’s not possible.

Requests for touch may - but don't have to - include the whole body, including the genitals (by which I mean: penis, balls, perineum, anus) and erogenous zones (common ones are: bottom, thighs, pubic area, nipples, neck, face).

There are some kinds of more intimate touch (including, but not limited to, kissing, or penetration) which may be possible but which will require more in-depth discussion and agreement from both of us beforehand.

If there is a particular kind of touch or interaction you are keen to explore it’s great if you are able to make me aware of this in advance of the session.

What's not possible in these sessions:

There are certain kinds of touch or interactions that will always be off-limits for me, these include:

  • Any kind of restraint
  • Breath restriction
  • Violence, or intentional bodily harm
  • Unprotected intercourse
  • Internal ejaculation

Safety, limits and boundaries:

I hold the container of these sessions in service to supporting your experience and learning. And I will also look after and honour my own needs and limits.

In order to allow for as much safety and intimacy as possible the sessions are informed by authentic choice for both of us.

This means there may be times when I am not willing or able to consent to, or continue with, a particular request or interaction - even if it is something we have previously done. And I will honour any similar choices you make from moment to moment.

The choice to stop or change:

Because the heart of this work relies on authentic intimacy I will only embark on, or continue these sessions with you if it feels right for both of us, and if I feel sure both of us have the capacity to do so.

You can stop or change your mind about anything we are doing at any time, and I can too, without the need for explanation.

If I feel you are consistently or deliberately disregarding these agreements during our sessions I may choose to terminate our sessions without refund.

Sexual health:

Sexual health and safety is vital for both of us. Working in a way which can include physical intimacy is not just about the two of us - it impacts everyone else that each of us may share intimate body space with.

I undergo regular sexual health screening and checkups. I request that, if this is not already part of your self-care, you access sexual health screening services during the month prior to our in-person sessions, and inform me of any results which may impact our work together.