If the idea of sex and intimacy coaching is new for you, you might be unsure how much it’s all going to cost. I aim to structure the pathways to working with me as transparently as possible, to give you the best opportunity to feel secure and committed in your investment.

First contact

When you first contact me I'll offer you a free 20-30 minute video consultation, so we can both get a sense of how we might collaborate. This helps to ensure:

  • We both feel it is right for us to work together
  • I understand why you’ve chosen to work with me
  • I get a sense of what you wish to explore
  • You’re fully aware what the work may entail

Your investment

Working with me is an investment in yourself – in the same way you might invest in a personal trainer, a singing teacher, or a language coach.

I want to help you feel secure in your investment in sex or intimacy coaching, and one reason I offer much of my work as full-day or multi-session packages is so that you have a clear idea of how much it will cost before you start.

My rates

I don’t offer one-off coaching sessions (read why here), but there are a number of ways you can work with me:

Working in person

If you're working with me in person (either as an individual or as a couple) outside of a coaching package it will most likely be in the form of a personalised Immersive. These happen in blocks of between 1 and 3 days, depending on what you want to explore.

1 day (6 hours) – £390 (£65 p/h)

2 days (12 hours) – £720 (£60 p/h)

3 days (18 hours) – £990 (£55 p/h)

Prices shown are to work with me at my home base in Scotland. To work in Edinburgh, London or Belfast please add an extra £160 per day to cover venue costs.

Working online:

Some coaching is possible online. If you want to work with me outside of a coaching package, and we haven’t worked together before, the minimum number of sessions I offer is 3.

£60 per hour

£40 per hour (when you book and pay upfront for a minimum of 3 sessions)

Coaching Packages

Each package has its own cost which you can find on the package page – check the dropdown menu.

Why is it more expensive to work with me outside my home base?

Because the work we’ll be doing can be quite personal and vulnerable, it’s important that the space we work in is as safe as possible.

So when I work away from my home base near Findhorn, Scotland, I hire a venue which is secure and suitable for the kind of sensitive work we’ll be doing.

Usually this space will belong to one of my trusted professional colleagues and is set up specifically for this kind of work.