Learn how to

be a better lover

There's often a lot of pressure for sex and intimacy between men to look a certain way, with a focus on erections, ejaculation, and penetration.

If that works for you, great. But for many men that feels unsatisfying or frustrating.

Another way is possible...

Instead of trying to fuck harder, and longer what if the route to better gay sex and intimacy was through learning how to connect truer, and deeper?

Discover more joy and freedom in your physical intimacy

Build your confidence with


Identifying and following what you want


Connecting to sensation and exploring how to feel


Discovering and trusting what you enjoy


Navigating physical relating with another man

mindful gay sex intimacy self pleasure masturbation

Build a better relationship with pleasure in your own body

mindful gay sex mutual touch

Learn skills for giving and receiving when you're body to body with another man


Explore pleasure, connection and closeness

You wouldn't get fit just by talking about it...

why would your love life be any different?

I’m Michael Dresser, one of the UK's most unique gay sex and intimacy coaches.

I'm here to support you on a journey of better relating and deeper connection - with your own body, and with others.

Coaching with me is...

a unique opportunity for hands-on learning through experiencing it in your body

Honed over more than a decade of ongoing training and practice, my work is a unique blend of Sexological Bodywork, Wheel Of Consent, and Sacred Intimacy.


I work with 4 touch dynamics and 3 types of touch, combining years of training with intuitive sensitivity to create spaces with safety built in.

I'm based in Hastings on the south coast of England, a short distance from London, offering sessions there, as well as online, London, Belfast and the rest of the UK.

Curious? Try a taster...

3 easy ways you can explore some of what I offer, and get a flavour of my style and approach.

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Connect with sensation, and build awareness of what feels good in your own skin with this 10-minute guided audio meditation

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A fun way to get to know yourself and your partner, explore the touch you enjoy, and discover what turns you on

deepen your orgasmic pleasure

Discover 5 practical steps to help you create and heighten arousal in your body with this 10-minute video guide

You'll also get more tips and updates from me direct to your inbox. If you decide later it's not for you it's very easy to unsubscribe.

Interested? Go deeper...

If you haven't worked with a hands-on gay sex and intimacy coach like me before it's completely natural to feel a mix of curiosity, uncertainty and excitement when considering it!

That's why I offer a free informal video call of up to 30 minutes - it's an opportunity to chat with me and ask questions, with no obligation.

What is mindful sex coaching?

Mindful gay sex and intimacy coaching is about becoming more present and authentic in your intimate and erotic experiences. I can help you with connection to self, confidence with what you want, improved relationships, deeper pleasure, better sex ... and much more.

Who do I work with?

Michael Dresser mindful gay sex coach UK

If you're single...

I offer a safely held space where you can learn and practice new ways of intimate relating, body to body with me as your practice partner, guide and support.

Find out more...

gay sex coach couples

If you're a couple...

I offer a neutral, guided space where you can learn new ways to communicate and create mutually satisfying interactions with each other.

Find out more...

You'll see me use the words ‘gay’, ‘man’ and 'male' on this site because they’re common terms many people I work with search for when looking for support around intimacy, touch, pleasure or sex.

And I know all those words can mean very different things for different people - my own relationship with them is not fixed.

I work mainly with people who identify as male in some way, but however you describe yourself, you are welcome here – and I hope I may be able to support you.

"My work with Michael was transformative.  Michael's great skill lies in his intuitive sense and our work together provided a gateway to a deeper connection in my body / mind"

"I can't imagine having made a better choice with my weekend. Your coaching allowed impressive learning and growth in such a short time"

"Michael is a wonderful facilitator. He creates a safe space so I completely trusted him and could relax ... I benefited immensely from what I learnt and what I felt"

If you want to feel good - learn how to feel

Tips to help you improve your pleasure, intimacy, and sex

Want to be a better gay lover? Get more selfish!

One of the best ways to become a better gay lover is by learning how to take what you want – without taking advantage. Find out how…

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More confident gay sex – what’s the secret?

Learn about radical receiving – one of the key ingredients you need if you want to get more confident at gay sex

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4 tips for getting the most out of your masturbation

If you’re feeling stuck in a rut here are some essential tips to help shift your masturbation from a quick jerk-off towards self-pleasure

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5 quick erotic pleasure practices

5 simple and quick guided erotic pleasure practices – which your body already knows how to do! Begin to build long-lasting foundations for pleasure

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How to improve touch during gay sex

Improve the quality of your touch during gay sex by understanding the 4 key types of touch (bonus: you already know how to do them!)

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3 essential steps to having more pleasure

There are 3 essentials you need if you want more pleasure in the bedroom. But you may be surprised at what they are…

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50 shades of ‘no’ – why it’s so hard, and how to get better at it

If you struggle with expressing or hearing a ‘no’ here’s why it can feel so hard, and some practical ways you can build your skills with it for healthier relating

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How to avoid gay sex myths and have healthier sex

Do you know your gay sex myths from your gay sex facts? Where do you get your information from when it comes to healthy sex?

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The secret to better gay sex most people won’t tell you about

Practice makes perfect – the secret ingredient you’ll need if you want a better experience of gay sex and intimacy

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Want more enjoyable sex? Don’t make it so goal oriented

Focussing on outcomes (like penetration, or orgasm) can make for disappointment in the bedroom. Learn how to shift your sex from goal oriented to pleasure oriented

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